The service's provided by Herts Boat Rescue are free of charge, however, we could not continue to function without the help and generosity of our sponsors and donors. If you would like to help support us, here are just a few ways to help us:
AMAZON GIFTSIf you would like to support us with some of the vital life saving or operational equipment we really can't do without, they why not help out by buying something from our Amazon Wish List.  See our wish list to help provide us with new life saving kit.
OTHEROr if you would like to support us in any other way, please contact us through our general enquiries.
Our team welcomes people from all walks of life, operational and non operational.
If you are interested in water safety and willing to volunteer your own time to help us then please get in touch.All you need is enthusiasm and a desire to put something back into the local community.
To become an active member of our team, our joining process is as follows:
1) Get in touch - contact us via our general enquiries or social media.2) Submit our application form (note a referee is required).3) Submit and await completion of DBS check.4) Transfer membership fee.